Friday, September 29, 2017


I assume it is pronounced EYE-burg.

Rode out last week or so. After homework, after a nap. Sun was shining. Caffeine went down, chamois went on. It's not far from my house but I had three hours tops until the rain began, according to the trusty RainAlarm app (the most useful bit of advice from Orientation day).

I had no real agenda other head thataway. Always toward the water. I am some form of waterfowl. Internal radar always heading to the end of land. I ended up in IJburg, which has a nice dunes. Local told me that it was only built up ten years ago or so. Reminded me of Foster City, CA that way. Prolly built over a dump but who cares.

"Nether" stands for "under". As in UnderLand. The NL is mostly below sea level. Yet I am still caught off guard when riding past a body of inland water and for no logical reason am I standing beneath it's rim.

Even if it is just petrified poo it is intriguing. I cant figure out what the pattern and material are. I kept it. It's on my windowsill - a growing collection of Neat Things.

With the constant shift between rain and sun these guys are a regular sight.

Oh look, two.

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