The date on the photos tells me I have been meaning to post these for...28 days now. Time flies when you are suddenly in school again.
It was a nice day, I recall. My joyrides with Loretta have increased trazillion-fold now that I have to endure the perils of street biking on a penny farthing with 100 other cyclists and the constant death threat of motorbikers who nay give an inch as they whirrr past. Fuckers.
I've nailed down the route to my usual places and enough general infrastructure that I can find my way around to new places. Pretty much anything in the center is "turn right on the Rijksmuseum street", which is my heuristic. Anything on the west side is "ride past the Rijksmuseum on the rijksmuseum street". Still, on occasion I have to use the dreaded hand-held navigator which adds to the stress (still haven't really mastered sudden braking using my feet)(so I end up using my feet).
Thus, a joyride is going nowhere and getting there when I get there.
It's funny, for being in an urban centralized area how quickly one can be out among the sheep and other signs of pastoral life, within fifteen minutes, on a bike.
I'll take any road that leads to a brug (bridge).

Riding through a small community I spot this magnificent plastic cow...there, up ahead. I must get a picture.
What's that? A kitty! A tabby no less.
Cats here have been proving a little too nonchalant for my taste. I'm lonely. Cant I just pet you?
This guy was all for it. Hopped up on the table and let me pet his fur off.
I guess I did a good job cos he put on the belly show for me.
I'm keeping his fuzz on my glove.
Happily riding home after having made a cat friend. I'll be back, tabby. Back for more.
Nearing home. These vagrants hanging out in the parking areas. Probably stoned. Staring at utility boxes.
Yup. A total nod.
Love that you found some kitty love