Monday, February 5, 2018

Koln (or, Cologne). 21 Dec

It's in Germany.

On the 30 minute train ride I used the map of the Christmas markets provided by the city to load up the navigator. They were five - each about a 20-30 minute walk apart. I arrived at 11am. My train back to D'Dorf left at 5:30 pm. I could do this.
Not that I am in a hurry. There is always another train. It just cost a bit more to change a booking. If there is a reason to stay longer I will. In this case, however, I saw all I wanted to see. The best market (most original, booths that were different than the ones before) was of course was the very last one.

I liked Koln from the start. Some funky buildings. Unexpected splashes of color. I like any place that hands out paint rollers to one so inclined and says, do your thing.

Do your thing, Kolners.

I veered into a fancy house things place. This lamp intrigued me. I snapped a pic right before seeing the BIG sign saying no photos.
I feel like I got away with something BIG.

Just a play yard at a school but I liked it.

McDonalds, that's a pretty ballsy art choice there.

A window display dedicated to the Addams family. I like the family photos touch.

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