Friday, September 29, 2017

Muiden, I think.

Again, impulse to ride out thataway. I never really know where I am headed thus I cant tell you exactly where I have been. I did see signs to a castle and then saw a castle so I reckoned it was Muiderslot, which I intend to visit. Oh hey! I picked up my residence permit today. Do I care that I am legal now? No. What I do care about is that now I can buy a museum pass and AS A RESIDENT have a full year to use it. Tourists (said with that tone) only get one month.

The date on the photos tells me I have been meaning to post these for...28 days now. Time flies when you are suddenly in school again.

It was a nice day, I recall. My joyrides with Loretta have increased trazillion-fold now that I have to endure the perils of street biking on a penny farthing with 100 other cyclists and the constant death threat of motorbikers who nay give an inch as they whirrr past. Fuckers.

I've nailed down the route to my usual places and enough general infrastructure that I can find my way around to new places. Pretty much anything in the center is "turn right on the Rijksmuseum street", which is my heuristic. Anything on the west side is "ride past the Rijksmuseum on the rijksmuseum street". Still, on occasion I have to use the dreaded hand-held navigator which adds to the stress (still haven't really mastered sudden braking using my feet)(so I end up using my feet).

Thus, a joyride is going nowhere and getting there when I get there.

It's funny, for being in an urban centralized area how quickly one can be out among the sheep and other signs of pastoral life, within fifteen minutes, on a bike.

I'll take any road that leads to a brug (bridge).

Riding through a small community I spot this magnificent plastic cow...there, up ahead. I must get a picture.

What's that? A kitty! A tabby no less.
Cats here have been proving a little too nonchalant for my taste. I'm lonely. Cant I just pet you?

This guy was all for it. Hopped up on the table and let me pet his fur off.

I guess I did a good job cos he put on the belly show for me.

I'm keeping his fuzz on my glove.

 Happily riding home after having made a cat friend. I'll be back, tabby. Back for more. 

Nearing home. These vagrants hanging out in the parking areas. Probably stoned. Staring at utility boxes. 

Yup. A total nod.


I assume it is pronounced EYE-burg.

Rode out last week or so. After homework, after a nap. Sun was shining. Caffeine went down, chamois went on. It's not far from my house but I had three hours tops until the rain began, according to the trusty RainAlarm app (the most useful bit of advice from Orientation day).

I had no real agenda other head thataway. Always toward the water. I am some form of waterfowl. Internal radar always heading to the end of land. I ended up in IJburg, which has a nice dunes. Local told me that it was only built up ten years ago or so. Reminded me of Foster City, CA that way. Prolly built over a dump but who cares.

"Nether" stands for "under". As in UnderLand. The NL is mostly below sea level. Yet I am still caught off guard when riding past a body of inland water and for no logical reason am I standing beneath it's rim.

Even if it is just petrified poo it is intriguing. I cant figure out what the pattern and material are. I kept it. It's on my windowsill - a growing collection of Neat Things.

With the constant shift between rain and sun these guys are a regular sight.

Oh look, two.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Reading your comments

I cant seem to comment back but I'll figure it out. In the meantime - received, acknowledged and much appreciated.
Here - have some funny pictures.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

24 September

It is a beautiful day outside and I am in back in the Pit of Despair as I call it, reading long wordy text by social economists which produces a nice sleepy effect.

Had a health issue earlier in the week. Missed a class to go to the UvA doctor. Navigating the Dutch health care system, international student insurance and the Dutchie phone I've been avoiding was worse than the pain which brought me in. I have an ultrasound on Monday for an angry ovary.

Feel I am falling behind already. Got to it this morning after my walk and have now some kind of plan. I may still be behind, but at least I know where. I've x to read, x to write, more x to read and two more x's to write. All by Wed or Thursday. That's just for one class. The other class is easier - no writing until exam time next month. Expect a blog screaming of avoidance and terror.

I took a nice ride on Loretta Martin (the road bike I brought with me) Friday night after my nap, after the trauma of the day. Great ride. I have a routine of taking a walk every morning, 30-90 minutes, and a walk or ride in the evening. master's study is more like being unemployed. I'm on my own, so I have to manage my time, structure it. But there is no rubric against which to objectively measure how well I am doing and my anxiety levels are a poor consultant.

I fantasize about dropping, withdrawing any money I have and hitting the road on Loretta. Biking til I am completely broke but at least I enjoy that time so much more than reading this crap, feeling lost, freaking out that I am light years away from any kind of thesis topic. I read the example papers provided us and think, oh fuck that, I could never write that. Then I recall how many times in the past seven years I opened an assignment, read what was expected, saw someone else's final product and said, oh fuck that, I could never do that. And then amazed at the body of work I ended up producing. Sometimes I look at my old papers and wonder who the fuck wrote that. I know it is just a matter of sinking in to the material, reading, taking notes, saying stuff out loud...and ideas begin to form.

But I would really prefer to be outside playing right now.

I have pictures I've taken here and there, either from rides or just walking around, but to post them, now would mean getting one of my phones and moving shit back and forth and that will distract me for sure. Blogs without pics are pretty boring, I think.

But I just came here to check in.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Violence, Transit, Money.

I'm really not used to blogging but it's been on my mind every day to write something. So persistent is this nagging that it has become The Blog. In the beginning (how biblical) when I committed to doing this I told myself I would be very technical about it. I'd write in such a way as to provide a strict accounting of life here. I'd provide a blow-by-blow depicting the transition of from there to here.
I'd do the financing part in an .xls.

That has proven to be too much work. A typical way of setting the bar too high, so that I would never "get around to it". In order to get this thing actually moving I am going to have to do it the way I do anything else - just do it. Stream-of-consciousness is how I operate so there it is.

School started this week. You'd be proud. I've done well in the classes and by that I mean: show up on time. Bring my notes. Pay attention. Do not draw too much attention to myself. Contribute by sticking to the course material. *Try* to not talk *too* much.

But it turns out that talking a bit more than I am comfortable with myself doing has been a good thing, as in fairly well received. The things I am compelled to air have generated discussion by others who, prior to my gentle outbursts, sat silently attending to the instructor's long talks.

It also turns out that this university, as my classmate who did her undergrad here, positions itself as one that embraces debate. Wonderful. I have chosen well.

I took a break from reading and went outside in the courtyard to sit for a bit (ok, to smoke). It was midnight. The music from the Lounge (a room where residents can hang out, I've never been) was really loud. It's midnight, shouldn't the volume be turned down, I thought. I've read some comments on the campus (campus housing, there are 900 residents here and a stipulation of the rental agreement is that one is enrolled in a university) facebook page mentioning the lounge activity going past hours, or the music volume. Generally the hours are observed; once in a while they are not. I noticed that no one hung out their window and shouted for the music to be turned down. This would never happen in New York, I thought. OK I've never lived in New York, but it's normal to me that if the music is too loud in a residential area, someone will say something. Here I'll say that "Americans are confrontational". I wondered about that. I think it is in the national heritage of "our rights": hey, I have a right to say such-and-such.

There are no guns.

Here, I dont worry about being shot. Not that the fear of being shot has ever kept my mouth shut. I just figure I'll get shot, but I'm going to get my word in. I wondered if people here have guns. How many guns are in the Netherlands? I think it is not the presence, or non, of guns that makes this society so cooperative but the way crime is handled. There is so little crime that more resources are devoted to individual cases. That's my guess. It's not like, oh - another shooting. It's like, whoa, step aside, we got a big case here. In any case, I reflected on how generally well people get along here, on a wide level. One local told me: we are a small country, we have to get along.


I took the metro to school today. At my new income the metro is a luxury. I've been riding my Dutchie bike everywhere. Which brings up a new conundrum about logging my miles rode. Since 2009 I have logged every mile I ride. Here, however, my Dutchie bike has no odometer on it. I have a spare I could hook up but it would feel weird. Basic bikes here are just that and most have some rust. Bike theft is huge, so most bikes are real low-key. Putting even a $25 Cat Eye on a Dutchie get-around bike would be like putting a spoiler on a Ford Escort. My trips to the meetings in the Centrum are about 9 miles round trip, maybe 10. Trips to the store, meh, depends on which one. But these little trips are not really worth checking google maps to see how many miles they were.

Of all the things I have had to let go of in this transition, dedicated mile-logging is one of the hardest, and only because I never saw it coming.

A week ago I bit the bullet and sprang €7.50 for an OVChipkaart (transit pass). I loaded €20 onto it. To put everything in what I call real dollars, which is just so I can make sense of it in my current way of valuing my purchases, I multiply everything by 1.18 which was the EUR:USD exchange rate last time I looked. The OV card is good for trams, subways and busses. It prices a fare like so: €1 base then I think .19 per km. So my trip to school today was about €1.87. At $4 roundtrip, the metro is a splurge. But it was pouring rain and this first week of classes I just want to get somewhere on time. My focus is on making sure I have all my crap with me, my clothes are clean, and I've showered. I can easily think I have all the routes down when really I've only rode a route twice. Two absences and you're dropped from the course and the Sociological Perspectives prof is very clear about being on time. I hear thats a Dutch thing- timeliness. I love it. I always felt like such a PTSD freak with my being half an hour early for everything (except meetings. To me thats the one place I can get there when I get there, I can relax a bit. I'm deducted only in social approval points which never really meant shit to me anyway).

I have two courses the first six weeks, then one drops off and another one jumps in. I'm still taking it day by day, in some cases week by week. So I have two classes on Tues, one on Thurs, one on Fri. I've already signed up for a Symposium, a lecture and a Library Research Seminar.

I've not got to money, as promised in the title. I think thats a whole other blog. To give an idea:

I have what I need. I have food and rent and I keep my receipts and log everything I spend. More on the psychology of the change from worker to student later.